HTML on a mac?

I’m trying to do HTML in text edit on a mac- when I try to open it up as an HTML file using Chrome- it just displays my code- not the title with the content of the paragraph tags etc…
Any solutions?

(it’s saved as a .html- not a .txt)


this is what I get- pretty sure all the HTML is correct- and it is a .HTML file- notice how the title is not showing up in the tab on top…

Hi! I think your body is not closed properly, it should be . See if that helps…

the closing body tag should have a / before the word body

nope- still didn’t work when I fixed that- but thank you!!
For some reason, I have to make it a .txt format, and THEN rename it to .HTML for it it work…?

renaming worked?

yup bH but it’s a lot of steps to do every time- converting it from .HTML to .txt…