Hi, so I am working with a company that wants me to use their logo to design hoodies, pencils, notebooks, etc… Now, I know how to design things like that, but what I’ve done before, for myself, was to use an online provider like Printify, which has templates that you drop your design into, which instantly creates a mock-up.
It sounds like they want me to design it from scratch, but I’m not sure how to do it without a template, and even if I get a template, how do I know it will be compatible with where they choose to print?
Should I ask if they have a print provider, or recommend Printify? Or is there a way to create designs for pencils, notebooks, hoodies, without using a provider that generates templates? Do I just need to set up a document with specific dimensions?
Please let me know!
If all you are doing is printing a logo on various items, you just need to check with the printer to see if they have any specific requirements. Usually you can just send them an eps or pdf version of the logo, and then you tell them what product you want to print on. For example, if you are printing on hoodies, you can find a company that prints on hoodies and choose which style, color size hoodie you want. Then you would send them the logo and ask them to print it on the hoodie. You can also send a small mockup just for reference to show what size you want it to be on the hoodie and where it should be positioned, but they won’t be using the mockup directly for printing, it is just for their reference. I’m sure they don’t want you to design your own hoodie style, as that would be a big endeavor involving product creation. You should also check with the printer as to minimum number of hoodies that you need to print, or price cuts (how the price changes based on the number you print) etc.
There a many companies that print multiple products, like vistaprint, but you might have more product variations (i.e. variations of hoodie styles and colors) if you use companies that specialize. Just do a little research on that to compare prices and options.
You could definitely ask them if they have a printer that they already work with, or recommend Printify if you feel most comfortable with them and think they will fulfill the clients’ needs.