A copywriter I worked with wanted me to put my logo because she will have her email on the design and both of our emails together is quite a long string.
I feel like a logo isn’t enough, I want contact info there…
its a problem nowadays that the copywriters have been taught to insist their contact info goes on the ads too as in copy by…
one important thing to ascertain- is the copy/ txt the main part of the ad? ie did they think of thre headline/ concept etc
I think you can say that since you are the designer and people expect to see the designer credit there not the copywriter and there is no room for both. you are ok for her to put her name but not her contact email and if people are very interested, they will find her.
Lol totally agree!
Even though I must say its a pleasure working with clients who hired copywriters as the wording is usually clearly written out and easy to follow along with!