Make the font and its color softer. The images should be bigger.
The first part of the copy should have a different font. something more inviting.
I’d suggest using less images and making each image bigger.
lol- she used to be my tenant
you did a really nice job!!!
Its really nice!
I charge the same price for all ads.
How much did you tell her before you started?
I didn’t make up a price before, but now I told her $75
That is very cheep for an ad.
Agree with @chavi , $75 is very cheap.
But next time, discuss price before you start working.
I know it’s cheap but she had taken pics for me for free…
How much is normal for an ad?
oh ok so it was a barter situation.
I usually charge around $500
There’s a huge range for ads. You can for sure charge more than $75. Next time charge $100-125, then slowly increase until you hit a number you are comfortable with. Not sure where you live but for beginner, $250 is a good price.