I need text of quite a few different texts of tefillos. Shir Hashirim, Hadlakas Neiros, Tefillas Hashla etc. and I’m wondering what the best way to go about it is. I don’t want to have to put Nekudos and typeset the whole thing.
Any suggestions what the best way to get this is?
Anyone ever heard of DavkaWriter?
Is it a normal trusted good program? And how exactly does it work?
Yes, I think it is probably the most well know of the Hebrew font writers. Any one know a different one?
Would you know how it works? I can get my typesetted text and easily use it in Indesign, ai etc.?
I used Davka for a few projects. Basically it has a library of Hebrew texts - like a Siddur, etc and you can copy and paste your text to other programs. I had to play around a bit to get it to work right. For ex, I still had to make a textbox in InDesign, change it to Hebrew and add Placeholder Text, and only then paste in my text.
My experience with Davka is limited, but that’s how it worked for me.
ok… Thanks for your help!