Hi if anyone knows where to get good Hebrew fonts please post below!
I think google font has some
I have a collection that I send out to students of many hebrew fonts that I’ve found over the years. I’m not sure how to upload it here, if you’d like to email me I can send it to you
and if anyone else would like feel free to email
@adinacahn are the fonts you have free ones?
I am pretty sure yes
@Ahuva A native israeli graphic designer told me about https://fontbit.co.il/ - not cheap but they are good modern hebrew fonts and are for commercial use (the checkout page says the pricing based on which license you need).
I just found some cute free display type hebrew fonts here Free Hebrew Fonts › Fontesk - you canclick for ones that are free for commercial use. although they look like english, once you download they work for hebrew too.
I am looking for some good hebrew fonts- not really having luck. Anyone have some they wouldn’t mind sharing?
I’ll forward you some
Would you be able to email me some of your fonts?
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
Can you send me too?
I can’t seem to upload them to here, please email me- adina.designalive@gmail.com and I’ll send them
btw canva has tons of amazing hebrew fonts when you type the word ‘hebrew’ into the font search bar. Then you can search them up online sometimes. Or if you want to do things yeshivish-ly you can type it in canva and download it for your project - if thats allowed. im not sure…
Yes! We showed that a while back on the designergy- they have wonderful and unique fonts that you can then download as a PDF and import into your adobe programs