Hebrew Fonts Resource

Hi if anyone knows where to get good Hebrew fonts please post below!

I think google font has some

I have a collection that I send out to students of many hebrew fonts that I’ve found over the years. I’m not sure how to upload it here, if you’d like to email me I can send it to you

and if anyone else would like feel free to email :slight_smile:

@adinacahn are the fonts you have free ones?

I am pretty sure yes

@Ahuva A native israeli graphic designer told me about https://fontbit.co.il/ - not cheap but they are good modern hebrew fonts and are for commercial use (the checkout page says the pricing based on which license you need).

I just found some cute free display type hebrew fonts here Free Hebrew Fonts › Fontesk - you canclick for ones that are free for commercial use. although they look like english, once you download they work for hebrew too.