Hebrew calendar


I am working on a hebrew english calendar- does anyone know the best way to insert the jewish dates without having to do it manually? Is there an add on that auto inserts the hebrew dates?

Any help would be appreciated.


I’ve done this before. There may be a smarter way but I did this a few years ago as a beginner.
What I did was this:

  1. Create two identical ‘tables’ for the month page, one directly on top of the other. One for English dates, one for Hebrew dates. One should have no outlines.

  2. Format the text placement for each. For example, my English dates I formatted to be in the top left of every box and the Hebrew a slightly smaller size, in the bottom center. Like this:

  3. Create paragraph style for English dates. Under ‘bullets and numbering’, I chose numbering and therefore all I had to do was press ‘tab’ and the correct number would appear. The paragraph style looked like this:

  4. Create paragraph styles for Hebrew dates. You will need a new style for each month. You will do the same numbering options, but add that the word ‘nissan’ ‘iyar’ ‘sivan’ is added in after the number. Then again, all you have to do is hit ‘tab’ and the correct number will appear with the name of the month after it. The paragraph style looked like this:

Does that help? It was a bit complicated to set up but once it was set it worked great.

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How did you import the hebrew dates?

I didn’t have to import them.
I looked at a Hebrew calendar online, and on the first of every month I just started a new paragraph style and it started at one and went up from there. Basically I put it in manually but the paragraph style did all the typing…

With the month?

Like I said in the first post -

Create paragraph styles for Hebrew dates. You will need a new style for each month. You will do the same numbering options, but add that the word ‘nissan’ ‘iyar’ ‘sivan’ is added in after the number. Then again, all you have to do is hit ‘tab’ and the correct number will appear with the name of the month after it. The paragraph style looked like this:

In Bullets and Numbering, you have the option to put custom text after the number. So in the ‘nissan’ style, you can choose to have the word ‘Nissan’ after each number. Therefore, when you type in that paragraph style, it shows up as -
1 Nissan
2 Nissan
3 Nissan
and so on.

so cool:) so much fun to set something up in Indesign and watch it do some work for you:)

You may find this article helpful. (I did not read it so it may not be…)
linking text boxes
good luck! My coworker does them all the time - she said they are hard at first to set up but once they are set up well, they are really easy to update year after year.

I did something very similar to Dena, but I didn’t realize you could add the month name to the style. I just used find and replace for that :slight_smile:

i recently partnered with https://www.jewishcalendarz.com/ - he took care of all the calendar part and i took care of the top part of the design, cover and additional elements that sat on top of the calendar pages. i enjoyed not having to take responsibility for getting the dates and shabbos times right. client wanted them printed in USA so they used him to print them too. it was a good collaboration B’H.

otherwise i just saw a new wesbite called with https://www.jewishcalendars.org/ - maybe they could collaborate also.

really cool to see Dena’s manual method!!