Going live with one page of website without giving access to the rest

Wondering if anyone has advice on what would be the best to do in the following situation.
A client is putting on pressure to have their website ready sooner than agreed upon. I explained to them that I don’t want to do a rushed job and need more time in order to deliver what we discussed.
There is one page of the site which is mainly done and has a lot of important information that potential customers keep calling and asking them about. They are now asking if there is any way I could have this page of the site live which they can give as a link to their customers while I continue working on the rest of the site.
Would it make any sense to set the other pages to private visibility or password protected? Does it make more sense to clone a copy of this page and put it up on a subdomain?
I’m open to hearing all ideas…

I think it’s a great idea to have 1 page go live to give you more breathing room. I would clone the site, as you said, but keep the one that’s live on the real domain, and your development copy on the subdomain.

Then you can make the page they want live as the homepage on that site and delete the other pages/menu/etc. And you can continue developing on the subdomain.

I vote for separating it because that gives you more freedom to mess things up on your dev site, without affecting anything live :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice Penina!
Would it look really bad to have the live page on a subdomain and the development on the actual domain? (Just thinking that it will be less work in the end when the website is ready to go live…)
Also, for now, I have site set not to be indexed etc… until it’s completed I’m assuming I should keep it that way until I’m ready to live with the entire site?