Gift store ad. Thoughts?

Any feedback, comments, suggestions appreciated.

(not a graphic designerā€¦ but just wanted to tell you I think this is beautiful) In my humble opinionā€¦ having it say across the uk upside down is a little hard to read. I would change thatā€¦

I agree that ā€˜across the ukā€™ is hard to read.
I think the gifts a little like blank keys on a keyboard. Am I the only one who sees that? Is it on purpose? If not maybe try to find different boxesā€¦

Thanks Shevy and shevi!
Youā€™re right about across the UK! it looks really wrong now that Iā€™m looking at it, Iā€™ll change that.
I used keys on purpose, because the advert is about their online store. IS that not noticeable? what do people think?

Beautiful, soft look!
I personally didnā€™t realize that the gift boxes were keyboard keys right awayā€¦
Maybe add photos of some of the type of gifts that they offer?
Also can add more margin for text on the top and left

Very nice design
I also thought it looked like keyboard keys (good to hear it was meant to) but I was trying to work out y it would be keyboard keys - I didnā€™t make the online connection but itā€™s a good idea! Trying to think how it can be clearer

I didnā€™t either notice that it was keyboard boxes - to me it looked like flat boxes and was wondering why you would be advertising such flat looking boxes. I think you donā€™t really need to show that you can shop online because it says right underneath ā€œour upscaleā€¦available onlineā€¦etc.ā€

Looks like keys to me!
I like the ad, I would focus more on making the text stand out more. Maybe use a font that has blocky lettersā€¦

I did not realize they were keysā€¦ I was trying to figure out what those boxes had to do with tablewareā€¦ maybe show what some of the gifts actually are (however I must say it was a very creative idea to use keys!.. I also donā€™t think itā€™s so necessary cuz you say on the bottom that its available onlineā€¦)
overall really nice design! Great job!

I agree with Shevi and the others that mentioned the keyboardā€¦ at first I didnā€™t specifically think of keys (though once she mentioned it I did!) but was wondering at the unusual shape of the packages, coupled with the dotted print, that makes it look like a very specific item is packaged in there and being marketed, if that makes sense.

Really nice!
I like how you put the website in a search bar- very creative:)
Just adding another thing: make sure that the text is not too close to the edges.
You can probably make the main words much bigger and have them be the focal point.

Thanks everyone for your helpful comments!
Is this better?

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The ā€œdotted printā€ is actually a watermark and will go once I buy the image :grinning:

Really nice job! :two_hearts:

I really like it with the icons! Great job!
And nice line ā€˜ready. gift. go.ā€™
And I agree with @al1 that the search bar is cute and creative

it now looks so effective! well done!!

Really nice. I would ā€œwhite spaceā€ around the keys and give the Readey. Gift. Go. more space and padding. It will make it easier to see right away whats going on.

Really creative solution!!
Looking great!
Would you consider putting the keys in regular horizontal position instead of rotated?
(May be easier to recognize that way)

So well done!

Really nice ad! I had trouble when I tried to flip around text like you did here with the across the uk. How did you do that?

I drew a circle and rectangle with intersecting paths so combined it became kind of like a rectangle with a bite into it. It then allowed me to put text on the outer path.

Not sure if Iā€™m being clear so hereā€™s a screenshot: