Filter for Images


I have a Mac and also use gentech- don’t find that it slows down my internet at all

Just adding in my 2 cents… I used techloq for my computer a while back, and also had nativ till very recently. I found nativ to be so customizable, so it was my favorite. Personally I didn’t continue with it since I do a lot of work at night and need 24/6 customer service. I still highly recommend it, but if you’re looking for tech support at any time of the day or night, look into gentech.

Thanks everyone! I think I will contact Nativ again maybe I don’t know how to customize my filter correctly. If not, I will definitely look into gentech as it sounds like a good option.

Do any of these filters go on the computer as opposed to the internet?

Techloq goes on the computer

Is techloq a white filter? Meaning if one has it then they have to write all the websites they want to be allowed?

No - the filter comes with default settings and then if you want more things open or closed you can request they should open / block it.

Just wondering-does anyone have experience with netfree installed on the computer and not through the internet (netstick)?
Does it slow everything down?

I have NetFree installed directly onto the computer and doesn’t slow anything down. It works nice and fast.

Yes I had netfree and it worked fine

Has anyone switched from netfree to gentech?
How does the image filtering compare???

I’m working on a mac so there aren’t many options, netfree is an amazing filter for designers but it’s not very secure on a mac :frowning:

any comments/ advice would be appreciated!