Figma for web design

A few designers I work with are switching to Figma. I just started using it, so I thought I’d post about it. I’m a bit late to the game, though :slight_smile:

Figma is similar to Adobe XD in that it is software created specifically for website and app design. It has tons of features for these purposes. The free accounts let you have a lot more projects than it sounds like from the description.

It is specifically designed to be developer-friendly and useful for handing over files, which is another reason why it’s so popular.

Once you are familiar with the Adobe programs, it’s not such a hard switchover. There are a lot of free tutorials on YouTube. I did this course on LinkedIn, it’s around $40 and for me it wasn’t worth not poking around for ages trying to learn it. I also found the terminology used to be important in helping me understand how frames work.

Thought I’d share!

Figma is great. Very similar to XD and not hard to learn!

Oooh yes I do love Rafal Tomal’s work and I forgot he had a Figma workshop, that’s so funny. Happens to be I already had Premium LI for a different class I did so it all worked out. But this is a great resource! And he has good templates.

one of the most powerful features is the CSS code. I made an app Design and the developer was able to read off all the CSS without any additional work. Brilliant!

This program would be for mockup design for websites?
