Donation Page

What is the best way to create a donation form on a website?
Can I simply use Gravity forms? Is there a benefit to WPGive plugin?

Is there a difference whether accepting paypal or cc processing?

Would appreciate all info! Thank you

Gravity Forms is good for donations.
As far as processing the card, there are lots of options and prices, depends what fits best for your client

GF is good, I think the best way to determine this is to look through GiveWP features – they are amazing! If you need to make a more complex donation form, GiveWP usually pays off.

WP forms have a wonderful eCommerce to section. Gravity forms is not bad

If it’s something simple then a regular forms plugin is enough. I think GiveWP is necessary when you need lots of different donation features its a very complex plugin with a ton of stuff.

We’ve used Gravity Forms in MANY websites and it’s great. (I love Gravity Forms in general- offers a tremendous amount of functionality.)
For payment integration there’s either Stripe, Paypal or there’s many other payment gateways that have custom plugins ( which work great. (My main concern, although we’ve used them plenty, is apparently they’re not all officially PCI compliant…!)

Let me know if you want to see some samples, and/or if you have any more Qs. Hatzlocha!

Thanks so much! I would love to see a sample or 2.
Also, doesnt PCI compliance have to do with the processor?

Are there any form features that WPGIVE has and gravity forms does not?
(not reporting just donation features… )

I haven’t used it, but I remember it having many features and layouts not in GF, or that would take a lot of work to create in GF.

Thank you Peninah!
Can you give me a price range what to charge just for this form (or estimate hours)?
Assuming it’ll be less than using GF …

you can email me privately :slight_smile:

You know that is NOT my favorite thing to do :slight_smile:
But also, I don’t think you told us much about the type of form. I’ve made donation forms that are not much more work than a contact form, and I’ve made ones that are much more complicated with monthly options and installments, etc.

Nevermind Peninah I’ll figure it out …

I just want to say here that I have started sometimes giving a VERY broad range and then charging hourly. I find that with certain website builds and functionality it really borderlines a “programming” project where hourly is very mekubal. Some “value charging” people may say it’s not good business practices but in a dev-oriented environment it can sometimes be safe and worthwhile.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this :wink:

Sometimes I regret charging per job when the scope is much larger than expected

Why do you think Gravity Forms is not PCI compliant? (My clients get scanned for PCI compliance. I once had an issue that a developer had to perform some fix to make the site PCI compliant, but that solved the issue and I don’t even think that issue was related to Gravity Forms. So far all issues were solvable and as far as I know not related to GF.)


So I looked into this further and it turns out that "The plugin doesn’t have to be PCI compliant as it doesn’t store any cards but just sits on top of the website so there’s no reason to be concerned.

In my experience, 99.98% of accounts never have any issues at all so you should be good." (from a Banquest person)

Thank you for checking that out!

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I do some hourly work for hard-to-estimate smaller jobs, and for clients I have an existing relationship with (so they trust me). This is probably something I’d give an estimate for with a cap, but make sure we clearly lay out what we’re doing and I would clarify beforehand that other features may add up quickly.