@peninah_adler lot of people when seeing that I am a web designer ask do you also build a website or just design it? I know we are not developers, but i see a lot of designers call themselves developers because they know basic coding (CSS and HTML) and can build websites from beginning to end in WordPress.
Are we misleading if we call ourselves web design and development? Curious to hear what other people think about this.
I know what you’re talking about
For clients, you’re a developer, to developers, you’re a designer. I think if your profile is geared towards clients, I’d say designer/developer. Or compress it into something else, like “I make websites”
And yes, happy to hear others’ thoughts and opinions!
Years ago when I was pretty fresh, I created the identity for a company. I noticed he didn’t have a website, though he put a url on his business card. I told him I can design the website for him, and he didn’t think much of it. He didn’t realized I can actually build it. Afterwards we clarified, but he kind of took a break, and now, many years later, I am building his website!