Custom marble

Hi does anyone know how i can customize a marble background with four different colors?

If you go to Dall-E you can type in anything and they customize pics for you for free! It uses AI and is really cool. You have to set up an account but it’s totally free.
For example, I typed in ‘marble background with white, pink, gold and gray’ and it gave me these 4 options

unbelievable concept!! just watched the video… i often find i cant find an image of an idea i have in my head and it seems this has great potential for that!
pricing page looks a bit unintuitive though with price per tokens which are based on how many words you type in…says you get $18 worth of credit free for 3 months…
it’s good to see you have actually got over that hurdle Shevi and are actually using it! googling says can use for commercial projects too… i wonder how high res the images are and if it uses up more tokens