Has anyone used Creativo with elementor? Would you recommend?
Has anyone used Creativo with elementor? Would you recommend?
Yes! I have used it multiple times and love it…
I would be happy to answer specific question if you’d like…
Is it fast?
Not sure what you mean by that… Is the speed of website good? Yes, I haven’t had issues with that.
Is there a learning curve? I’m assuming if you know how to use elementor there should be much… When I learned through design alive the teacher had us all use creativo which came iwth wp bakery page builder at that time… There theme really offers a lot of customization options without having to use code. (and obv place to use custom css etc when necessary)
Later on the theme started including wp bakery & elementor so I taught myself Elementor and it definitely works way better…
As a bonus, they offer AMAZING customer service for 1 year… I have spoken to them many times and they have helped me work through all sorts of things I wanted to do for clients…
I found them extremely helpful!
(Happy to email you more about it…)