CRAFT logo

Any ideas or places where i can find inspiration for craft shop logo?
For now i have worked on this, any critique? I am also looking for a very bold font - something like the purim logo font, but don’t know what to look for (that one I created myself)
Processing: CRAFT.jpg…

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How about this font?

or this

I would google crafts logo and see what comes up

Thank you, I did google craft logo but did not yet find much…

Try to widen your search with arts and craft. Wood craft, craft stores. The font should be bold and too soft edges and corners.
pinterest and behance can be helpful

Thank you, I am looking…

sorry i meant to write not too soft edges and corners. more solid looking

oh, ok

maybe find out more what kind of crafts they sell - i tend to think more of a scrapbooking vintagey style when i think of crafts - those shops with walls of tiny little beads and natural wooden boxes to decorate… but maybe this craft shop is more modern/for younger arts and crafters? more pre-school type? i would say depending on which type of craft shop it is then search based on that…

for bolder fonts, see if you can filter by font width and wight - see screenshot of how you do it in adobe fonts. from main page you click on ‘all fonts’ and then you get all the filter options.

He sells all items needed for arts and crafts. IE pens, hot glue gun, different papers, and i suppose more…

nice stuff! i like number 3 the rainbow and 2 the idea of the paint drop in the a - maybe try to get a more professional looking font and colours because after all its a business not a kids nursery or funfair!

Thank you so much for all your advice. Any of these worth working on? Which colors do you suggest?

I wouldn’t use yellow for a logo, it doesn’t always print right and sometimes looks dirty. Unless you go for a more orange yellow

I like the idea of the paintbrush in the A, the font is just not bold/clear enough

I like #5

i also like 5 and would choose vibrant yet solid colors

Dealjumbo has a lot of similar fonts