Copywriting mini series - Lets hear your thoughts!

As I’m sure you’ve been noticing, copy (the text that is on your website/ad/brochure) is an integral part of a successful project.

Design Alive is interested in offering a Copywriting mini-series of 2-3 sessions for designers and non-writers. This would be held in February sometime, and would cover:

*What exactly IS copy? (and what it’s not.)

*The must-know Basic Rules of Copy. (So your work has a fighting chance)

*How to explain to clients why they should pay for copy ('Why can’t I get my high-school daughter to write the text for the website? She once had a poem published in BinahBunch…)

*Five formulas for effective ads/hero section copy (Even if you’re not much of a writer)

*The best resources to dig into if you want to educate yourself further. (Of course you want to educate yourself further!)

*Live Q&A

So, who’s interested? And is there anything else copy-related that you’d like to hear about?


Sounds like something I might be interested in! Who’s giving the course?

sounds super interesting to me, especially as I enjoy writing as well as design! and I’d also like to know who is giving the course!

I think I’d be interested. How much would it cost? Would you have a recorded version?

I may be interested! I have the same questions as above…

I would probably be interested!
I happen to know the lady who is possibly doing this and she Is AMAZING!
everyone should want to sign up just to get to know her!!:wink:

Yes, she is amazing! Professional and great person!

This is a fantastic opportunity! It’s so important for designers to have at least know the basics of copywriting.

Possibly, Who’s giving the course and what is the price?

Having good copy on your ads will make them convert a gazillion times better.
Sounds like a super valuable series!

I’m potentially interested.
Especially the third point of how to market the value of a copywriter to your clients when they are already paying a lot to you as the graphic/web designer!

Possibly interested as well!

Possibly interested as well… I have the same questions as above… price/ who is giving the course?

I might also be interested! waiting to hear the details first…

Thanks for all your feedback and questions! We are excited to be launching this course in the next month!

We are just finalizing the details of this course and will send an update in the next few days with course timing, pricing etc

Watch the space for more awesome Design Alive Update courses coming your way!

Design Alive Team


Just a quick survey, if you were to join the copywriting mini-course which timing would you prefer?
Classes will be held on Sundays only

  1. 9.30-11.00 EST /2.30-4.00 UK time / 4.30-6.00 ISRL time
  2. 2PM - 4PM EST/ 7-9 UK time / 9-11 ISRL time
  3. Neither work for me - please specify which time works best
  1. 9.30-11.00 EST /2.30-4.00 UK time / 4.30-6.00 ISRL time
  1. 9.30-11.00 EST /2.30-4.00 UK time / 4.30-6.00 ISRL time

Not sure if I’m for sure joining, but if I do I would prefer 11:30-1 EST

Have you registered yet? Only a few days to go!! :timer_clock:

Cant join live? You can watch the recordings in your self paced! :smiley:

Click here: Registration