As I’m sure you’ve been noticing, copy (the text that is on your website/ad/brochure) is an integral part of a successful project.
Design Alive is interested in offering a Copywriting mini-series of 2-3 sessions for designers and non-writers. This would be held in February sometime, and would cover:
*What exactly IS copy? (and what it’s not.)
*The must-know Basic Rules of Copy. (So your work has a fighting chance)
*How to explain to clients why they should pay for copy ('Why can’t I get my high-school daughter to write the text for the website? She once had a poem published in BinahBunch…)
*Five formulas for effective ads/hero section copy (Even if you’re not much of a writer)
*The best resources to dig into if you want to educate yourself further. (Of course you want to educate yourself further!)
*Live Q&A
So, who’s interested? And is there anything else copy-related that you’d like to hear about?
I would probably be interested!
I happen to know the lady who is possibly doing this and she Is AMAZING!
everyone should want to sign up just to get to know her!!
I’m potentially interested.
Especially the third point of how to market the value of a copywriter to your clients when they are already paying a lot to you as the graphic/web designer!