Copyright issues

A client wants to use MR Men as the theme of a report.
Does anyone know if i’ll have any copyright issues?

Can you elaborate what you mean by using as theme for a report?

I’ts an 18 page document, they want it to be Mr men themed… with the characters and fonts etc

No, I meant - is this a school, a client etc.
For a school, camp etc. I wouldn’t worry so much.
Client… dunno!
I think it depends how much exposure etc. it will get?
What is this report for?

For a charity report (which i’m assuming is what you’re doing) I wouldn’t do it, you can run into lots of copyright issues.
I once had to use one image of thomas in a report and we had to be really careful about it so that the charity wouldn’t get into trouble.

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Thank you, I figured, but we’re not going to use it.