How much is the normal price for a copy writer to to charge to come up with copy for an ad?
Depends some can charge as much as $500 an ad and some will do it for $50…
If your looking for some good copywriters I have a few friends that are rly good! I’m not sure they’re pricing nowadays but u can find out…
Thank you
Do any of those copywriters do web copy as well?
Yes they all do!
Thanks…I’ll keep in mind for my upcoming projects… Still looking around for great copywriters to work with…
The first two I’ve used a few times and are really great!
I actually know a super copywriter , and I thinks she’s very reasonable…
Can I ask you to be more specific… What does very reasonable mean in terms of copy for a 5 page website that doesn’t need a lot of copy? (I’m still trying to figure out the norms for copywriter prices…)
There really isn’t a ‘norm’ same with graphics… everyone charges different and according to their skill level and clientele.
I am aware that is how it works to some extent… I just meant range that would be considered good for copywriters from 1-3 year in field and so on…
So I asked me friend and she said 1000, but that’s without knowing exactly what the job is so maybe a bit cheaper but def a few hundred…
You could try her she’s rly good I just used her