I designed this logo for a construction company.
They dont like, they say that the helmet on the O looks like a mushroom.
Curious to hear what you guys have to say…
(slogan on top means ’ more in every detail’ )
I designed this logo for a construction company.
They dont like, they say that the helmet on the O looks like a mushroom.
Curious to hear what you guys have to say…
(slogan on top means ’ more in every detail’ )
do they like the concept? or do they want something totally different?
i would suggest you play with different helmets and fonts until you find something they’re happy with.
(also the slogan looks kind of dumped on top)
they dont want to continue, they dont respond to emails, was just curious to hear what others have to say about it
OK, I just think in general it should feel a bit more personalised, do research before you create a logo, sketch out ideas, think out of the box… etc.
i did
it’s honestly trial and error… and people might not always like your work, or a project won’t always go well…
if you find you particularly struggle to create logo’s, you could stick to doing other things.
it looks like a hat, not a mushroom!
Oh no hadassyf!
That is really hard.
I had this with a client recently.
BH they paid me for my work (plus the deposit which I hope you had them pay!).
It can be a blow on the ego, especially when you know you are good.
BH I have had success with other logo’s since.
Sometimes it is just not bashert. And it’s hard.
Don’t let this experience get you down. BE’H He will send you so many more clients that you won’t even remember about this one!
Hey hadassyf, I have not even seen the logo (takes time for my filter to let images through) but that is really really frustrating. Like Al1 mentioned, just forget about them, there will always be some tough clients…
just saw it now, totally looks like a helmet… shame they did not like it, in my opinion it is really good
I know I’m responding late but it definitely looks like a helmet. If they wanted to continue I’d say you can try to put space between the hat and the circle of the o. But like @al1 said, some people will like your work, some won’t so don’t take it personally.
I hope you are getting paid for the work you did!!
i did ask them for some payment as id did work on it.
I’m actually not the first person he asked to do his logo,…
maybe we need to have a list on how to recognize red flags
At least you know that you’re not the one with the problem