Confirming that my portfolio was done not in a course?

I applied somewhere and sent them my portfolio.

They sent me the following message:

Please confirm that all designs on your portfolio are yours done independently and not in a course.

What am I supposed to say? A lot of the portfolio was from Design Alive’s course! It’s still all my own work… why are they asking?

There are some projects in there that were done on my own, but I’m just wondering how I should best respond to this so that I don’t miss out on the opportunity? After all, I did create the designs…



How about replying something like…

“Some of the samples in my portfolio were indeed designed during my design study, however it was all independent work done by myself and not in a group. I have included them in my portfolio along with other samples that have been done for real clients, as I feel that this is a true showcase of my design skills.”

Some other design courses have the students work on projects as a group, therefore the finished product is not always from 1 student! They may have experience with this so you just need to explain that in DA it’s not done that way and it’s all your own work!

Hope you find the perfect job for you!

Amen thank you so much!

I would think they mean that if it was done as part of a course even in Design Alive then there could’ve been a lot of teacher involvement and it wouldn’t be an exact reflection of what your work that was done completely independently would look like. Then again, the employer maybe just does not understand exactly what course work is like and may think it is group work or something.

Maybe they are looking for a more experienced designer so they want to make sure it’s all independent work and nothing taken from your course…

I think they’re trying to get an idea as to how much guidance you had on your work and how much of it was done on your own. Definitely be open about the fact that some of your work is coursework that was guided by an instructor. You might want to point out specific projects that you did on your own.

some employers don’t like trusting work done as part of a course as they want to see what you can do by yourself, without guidance. So just confidentally point out what is your own and say what else you did was with a course but was done alone and not part of a gropu. Best to be up fornt and honest and hopefully they will respect that. Good luck!

If it is a job that you really want and you think they are hesitating because some of the portfolio is from the course, you can offer to do a sample for them so they can see what you can do without instruction.

Thanks Rivka

Good luck @Yael! Definitely doing a sample project will be worth it for both of you if they’re hesitant

Ok thank you