Clothing Store Sale Flyer

Any advice welcome!

This is a rush job. I have to get it out asap.

I usually I put a project to the side and come back later with a fresh set of eyes, but I don’t have time right now.:blush: So I need your fresh set of eyes! :wink:

(the gray border around them is just from indesign)

Or any of these?

I like the first 2 the best. One thing is that I know of a different company that uses that render. The clothing on the rack with the shoes. I see it in the voice of lakewood… (Did you make that ad)

No, never seen it :grin:

Does this picture look good?

yup perfect, Not sure that anyone else would have noticed but I did :laughing:

Do they have instagram? if they do maybe add it under the shop online, then it will make the second half of info have more info…

I feel like Clear the racks should be more of the focus or at least part of the focal area and more dramatic.
I would change the layout a little… I would move the logo down to the maroon box on the left side and then have the store information going across the box and underneath that have “or shop online…”
Then I would have “Clear the Racks” in a bold big sans serif font on the top left and then underneath (but give some space) the words “making room for new…etc”
Move the “all winter dresses…etc.” a little more to the right to be right on top of the horizontal bar of the rack.
I like the bottom box that goes to the edge and I do like that orange line but if you change the layout in the box you would have to remove that - I would maybe put a thin orange line on top of the box…
I hope I am being clear (it’s hard to say exactly how I am envisioning it… if it comes out funny, this version that you have is good enough…)
Good Luck :slight_smile:

I’ll read your feedback in a second :wink:

I just spoke to the client and said she wants the focus to be more on “Clear the racks!” and “50-70% winter clothing” She also likes the original picture and doesn’t mind that it’s the same.

Im having a very hard time reading the white lettering on the second one. And the logo isnt clear with purple on purple.
I like how you have the original one,with the half circle shape, maybe just put “making room for new arrival’s” in that half circle shape instead of full circle.

Are any of these more readable?

Hey Nechama,
This is really coming along great!
I just wanted to mention that I saw another clothing store that constantly advertises with the image that you used (or at least it looks the same!) - as their focal point. You may want to consider using a different image so viewers don’t make the wrong association. (Great choice though!)
Hatzlacha making the finishing touches!!

Yes I know which store you’re talking about, they also use it in the BP, same picture every single week.
But this is faded so not as obvious. And I like that clothing a lot better than the clothing in the new pic you chose, looks more ‘the type’
Not sure which ad I like the best, they’re all really nice and I don’t see much of a difference between most of them

I didn’t realize how small the image was. How big can you stretch it before it’ll print out blurry?

By the way when I wrote the logo should be on the bottom, I meant to write to switch the purple to white.
You made so many options now - its hard to choose :slight_smile:
I think I like this one best, but move up the words “February 19…etc.” - there should be equal space between all winter clothing and the purple box.
Also maybe move over more to the right making room for new spring…etc. and maybe recolor in the orange
looking really good!

I think the words “clear the racks” should still stand out more - maybe make as big as the line 50 - 70% off and nudge the February 19 up a drop more - it still looks closer to the bottom area.

Much much better!!!
nice job :slight_smile:

Its really looking good!!! good job.

The client really liked it! Thank you so much for your help! - @chavi @Breindy-S @psdesign @Shevi_Kramer

Have a great shabbos!