I have a client that has a kind of therapy place. She would like to add a functionality to her website that her clients can log in to their client area, see the appointments they’ve booked, book new appointments and pay (that last point is less important).
All this should sync with her backend - i.e. it should show the client when appointments are available etc.
Has anyone ever used a plugin/software for that? Which one is good? There seem to be a few out there and I have no experience in this area…
Embed calendly.com into the site
Does that give her the option of customers logging into their own customer area?
I would have thought logging into their own portal would be something clients sign up for - creating a WordPress account.
Do you have some options to show so we can look at and help you make a decision?
@jdfadmin I guess that’s what it boils down to - but you need a platform that let’s the users log in, log out, change password, and that determines what they see when they log in…
Really vcita.com would be perfect - but even more perfect would be something that’s for free.
I’m looking into the free plugin WP Customer Area - anyone have experience with it? It seems to be what I’m looking for - I could then embed calendly into it. It seems like a lot of work to do that though…
Therefore, I wanted to know if anyone has ever used any other plugin/platform, or if anyone has ever even used vcita?
If you’re looking for cheap, you can utilize the WP system. You can have customers sign up for accounts. Use something like Restrict Content Pro to hide the pages that are only available to members who are signed in.
Calendly or similar would be perfect for appointments, and you can accept payment for appointments via Calendly as well, although she may want to consider doing it straight through an invoicing system like Wave Apps. The only missing piece here is seeing appointments they booked in the past.
There are many ways to accomplish this, and some could do everything she wants, but if you’re going for free or cheapest possible, you might have to sacrifice a feature. The setup I described is good in that it isn’t janky with lots of workarounds, so you can depend on it.