I was asked to make a brochure for a Chinese auction which shows all the prizes. In addition, they want me to create an envelope and possibly a card where the students can check off the prizes they want and state how many tickets they want to purchase.
How much you think i can charge for this type of project?
It is my high school that i went to so i would charge a little less than normal.
Thank you,
M Goldgrab
It might be helpful to check out our earlier thread on prices, there is a lot of info in there. Try to figure out how long the project will take and charge a flat rate based on an hourly rate. If you think it will take 10 hours, and you want to make $25 oer hour, so charge $250. I am assuming you are not including printing in the price. It really depends a lot on how many pages in the brochure etc. $250-$350 seems reasonable for this project, and then you can take any discount that you feel you would want take,letting them know that you are giving them an x% discount.