Our talented students have poured their creativity into these incredible Photoshop final projects, we just had to share!
Are you a Graphics Fundamentals student? Share your final here
Shout out to @AMiller
Shout out to @Gzryl
Shout out to Hindi Ernfeld
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These are amazing!! I have to learn Photoshop again!!!
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12 August 2024 00:30
What about the first one was done in photoshop and not AI? They all look so cool really AI generated images!
I don’t use AI - this was all done in photoshop…
these were all done in Photoshop- no AI- the assignment was to create a mini world
great job!!!
Nice job! Here is another one from Grace Ashkenazi…
And one from Sarah Greenberg…
These are so cool!
Is it a mockup type of thing plus photoshopping things on top? How did they do it?
12 August 2024 16:22
They are super cool!!! How where they done?
They were created by the Photoshop students with the size of the square that the world should be on, everything else is created by the students own imaginations and skills