Catalog Price

Hi, how much should I charge to create a catalog? The client would be providing images though they will need some editing. I am hearing that it is best to charge per page. Thanks!

An overall price for the initial design, cover etc. and then a price per page

Thank you! Can you tell me how that would look numbers wise?

I would need to know where you live, and how long you’ve been working

United States and pretty new to the field

$150/$200 for cover page and design and $3/$5 per page of inner pages

I have no idea how many pages you are talking about and what kind of catalog it is- and totally guessing based on your US I would assume you are on the East Coast - cause any other part would write where they are in the US :slight_smile:

Thank you! And yes, I’m from the tristate area :slightly_smiling_face: