Campaign sign up counter- plugin?

I created a website for a client who runs a non-profit a while back. They are running a campaign to have ppl sign up to donate $1 per day. They would like me to create a page on their website for this campaign and were thinking that they wanted some sort of graphic that will show the participant sign-ups- meaning it would go higher as ppl sign up.

My question is - is there some sort of plugin that can achieve this? Would I need a form on the website that ppl would sign up with which will connect to this plugin and then there will be a link to the credit card processor for payment info?
(She doesn’t want to process payment directly on her site… )

I’ve never done this type of page before and could use some help figuring it all out.
(Happy to accept any guidance you have :slight_smile:

@peninah_adler -any ideas?
Does anyone else have ideas??

I would search for a counter type of plugin

I’ve only done this with code before, with a custom block that retrieved the form entries, counted them, and displayed the counter or whatever it was. The issue is that you need it to connect to the form so you need it to be an extension from the form, or a plug-in that syncs with your form. It further complicates things if they also take offline donations.

Probably the simplest idea would be to get some type of counter plug in, as Schlomith suggested, and teach them to update it manually, daily. Otherwise, you’d have to see if you can find something integrated. Maybe giveWP