Best way to display list of items (not ecommerce)

HI, I am making a site for a therapy toy/equipment gemach. She wants to list all the items that are available to borrow. I am trying to figure out what the best way would be… We are not including photos… Just the name of the item and possibly a link. I would like to divide the items by categories (fine motor, sensory etc…)
I know a portfolio works similar to this with adding categories and items. However, would that work for something without images? (not sure how that would display)
Open to all suggestions…

Just wondering if you can create icons at least if no image?

It would be very hard to do… at the moment there are about 60 items they are lending out…
It will probably got into the 100s…
She probably would add images eventually but she is trying to get the site up asap… so just wants a list of what is available in the meantime and getting photos of each item is time-consuming at the moment. We can have a link embedded of what the item is. (link to the store where she purchased it…) It’s a gemach… so no competition here…

So it’s really just categorized lists – in that case, I’d use accordions. There are good accordion blocks you can use, or page builders usually have them in. One accordion per category, and then regular lists inside. Would that work?

Thanks, @peninah_adler that’s a great idea.