
Hey! my client gave me a barcode number to use that is 12 digits long. Anyone know how to make it into an actual barcode that I can put on the back cover?

Use this website and it’ll give you the option to turn into a png or jpg

I like this one (though I’m sure they’re all the same)

Choose UPC-A from the dropdown for a 12 digit barcode

Thanks so much for your help! I’m really not familiar with this area as this is my first book i’m working on. I see on basically every book a 13 digit number starting with 9781 and the letters ISBN. Firstly do you know the diff btwn ISBN and UPC-A? does it matter if i use UPC-A. and also, am i meant to write out manually the ISBN-#___ on top of the barcode? bec. it doesn’t download with it.

I would assume you have to choose ISBN from the drop down, but I’m not familiar with that. I’ve only done barcodes on food and toy products. Maybe google it