Autocad Tuesday Happy Hour Tutor Support! Post your questions here

:tada: We’re Thrilled to Launch AutoCAD Happy Hour! :tada:

Each week, we’re kicking off our AutoCAD Happy Hour, a dedicated time to get all your AutoCAD questions answered live by a tutor!

Launch Details: :date: Tuesday Happy Hour
:clock2: 2 PM EST | 7 PM UK | 9 PM Israel

During Happy Hour, our tutor will be available to:

  • Answer any questions posted in this thread, either before or during the session
  • Provide live assistance on AutoCAD questions and assignments

Stay tuned—tomorrow we’ll post the webex session link here for live support!

P.S. More Happy Hour sessions coming soon at a USA evening time! Keep an eye out for updates! We are trying to organise Wed US eve hrs

P.P.S Post your AutoCAD-related questions as a new post in the AutoCad 24-25 section if you can’t join live.


Thank you for this help!

I had a question about my ribbon -

My ribbon disappeared. How can I bring it back?
Im not seeing the file tabs under the ribbon?

Thanks in advance

I have 2 questions- thank you!

Question 1.

Why am I getting these lines next to my cursor when in the line command

Question 2

Why am I getting such a funny shape when trying to create the rectangle for the cross selection?

I will be available for the next hour for any tutoring help needed . Here is a link- Cisco Webex Meetings to a session if you need live support otherwise go ahead and post your questions/screenshots and I will go through each one.

Hi, thank you-

Yes can you answer some questions i have please,

Why is scaling a drawing or text to the proper size so important?

And why does it matter how big the printed drawing on the paper is or how big the text inside the drawing is?

Thank you!!

When you print a plan it wont be the size it will be in real so in order to show on one small paper what everything will look like it has to be scaled.

Does that answer your question?

The lines you are seeing next to your cursor are to show you the length and angle you are drawing at.

Oh! Yes get it…


next to the express tools icon there is a white rectangular box which is for minimising the panels if you click on it, it will bring your ribbon back.

when you make a cross selection click once where you want to start and then click again where you want to finish. Don’t keep pressing down while making the cross selection.


Thank you!

If anyone still has any questions feel free to post your questions and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.

I am trying to open the design review program but it doesn’t let me do it?
How can I make it open

can you paste a screenshot showing what you re trying to access?

I can’t get a screen shot of the next thing that comes up so I will write what it says.
It says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device. Then it says I should either click yes or no, I tried both ways, but it didn’t let me open it either way.
What should I do?

I can try to advise you but we are not computer experts. Our job is to give you instructions and ability to download the free student software but once it comes to installing it on your own computers, each student could have a different issue. The most common issues are Filters. Please contact your filter company first and foremost to see if they could be blocking AutoCAD from fully downloading. You may want to refer to this list too to give to them. Recommended Internet Filters – Design Alive