Hi!! I was asked by a consulting firm to start a new project with of marketing an auction and need to give a quote asap
How much would one charge?
Here’s the marketing outline
Sponsorship Opportunities
If its all based off of one main design I would give a set price.
You can see how much you would charge for each item then add all up, taking into account that once you have basic design everything else will take shorter to design.
Or you can create a package for all these items which would be one lump sum.
I think I’d charge more considering the amount of things you’re designing.
Unless you’re a complete beginner, but even then it sounds like a lot of work.
Pricing is so hard!
Its also really hard to know what they have in mind. If your designing one thing and legit copying the design over then you wouldn’t add that much but if each item is a new design only basing colors and theme off each other you can add a lot to the $1500 starting point…