App for Quoting & Invoicing


I’m looking for an efficient yet simple app for quoting and invoicing clients. I want it to be user-friendly but also have enough customization features to match my branding. I’ve been using Zoho Invoice until now, but I’m unhappy with some of the settings.

Does anyone know of a different app at a reasonable price? Thank you!

i use wave and i am very happy

Thank you, it looks like it has all the features I’m looking for.
How decline the offer for Zoho books that I get when signing up for Wave???

I’ve been using fresh books. Very easy to keep track of payments and it automatically sends the invoice. I’m very happy with it

So you’re registered with the IRS? Because it asks for a DBA when registering and I don’t have one.

I use stripe and I’m happy with it.
I used wave in the past, I liked that too. Not sure why you’re getting a notification to sign up for Zoho but you should be able to decline

I have used Harvest since the beginning and generally happy with it. Very affordable. I haven’t tried anything else so can’t compare to Zoho. Good luck

You guys have your businesses with the IRS or those invoices can bypass that? I’m wondering cuz I saw DBA and other stuff. Not because I want to ask you personal questions. I’m just wondering if I can open an account without being IRS verified, in a sense?

Just realized that Wave is only for US/ Canadian customers so that’s why it’s redirecting me to Zoho.

Thanks for all your ideas - I’ll check them out.

Another vote for Harvest.
@Yitty_G There are Israeli options like Greeninvoice if you need that

I live in the UK, so Hebrew app wouldn’t do

I would suggest using some sort of integration - Irit levy has some great articles