Annotative Text/Dimensions/Multileaders

Hi, I’m trying to utilize annotative text etc. and I’m running into a couple issues.

  1. I’m finding that the text ends up being too large in my model space screen.
  2. Also, it appears to default to 1:1 scale even though I’m not working in that and it’s really frustrating to have to keep deleting that scale from each thing and applying the scales I want.
  3. Also, when I set the paper text height in my text style, when I create my multilayer it still seems to give me a text size, why?
    I’d appreciate any help please. Thank you
    (Using autocad for Mac if that makes a difference.)
  1. Before you create the text set the scale on the status bar. If the scale is incorrect the size will be wrong.
  2. For annotative text you need to change the scale first - the default will be 1:1
  3. You set the multileader to annotative when you create the new style. It will write text size and set it to 2

Thanks. I did most of those things. And my scale was set all along and it was still doing the 1:1. Not sure why?

It depends what you are creating how you would set the scale. For the floor plan you are setting the scale to 1:10 for the text and dimensions