Design alive is offering to showcase some top projects that you have worked on our website portfolio page. You gain free advertising, many companies or people looking for freelancers contact us to hire our grads, if they see your impressive work they may reach out to you and you earn more jobs
Design Alive would like to showcase what level our graduates reach after the course.
Have you got:
Great advert
Logo design
Impressive Design work
You can either have your work linked to your portfolio or portfolio website, otherwise just put your contact details on your work.
P.S. We have all seen on this active forum what awesome projects you have done so waiting to see what else you got . Our graduates love to see what other graduates are up to aswell!
wait- just checking… is this in addition to or instead of having our portfolios on there? I thought Alyse told us our portfolio’s automatically go on- is that not the case?
(im tots chilled either way- just wanna know if I should send anything in or not…)
Is there a deadline? I do have things I did on the side but I didn’t graduate yet.
I’m nearly done with the Graphic Design course and would rather wait until I complete the course to advertise myself.