Advice with client? I Need help with this

I worked with a client and his partner on a branding project a few months ago- and he wasn’t happy with anything.
I spent hours and hours and hours and sent him pretty good options to choose from but he wasn’t happy with the logo, the business cards, the ad I made him…

Eventually he said “maybe we should just shelve this project for now”.

And now he’s back with another project that he’s working on with a different partner.

Any advice with how to proceed? In a way, I almost feel like it’s not worth it to work with him if he’s so hard to please. But then again, it could be that he liked my work but his other partner wasn’t happy? After all, why else would he return?

Any advice with what I should say to him and how I should proceed? I don’t want to end up getting myself into a similar situation as last time- it was miserable!

Thank you so much!

I feel so bad… Those situations are really horrible.
I once had a similar story where the ‘go between’ told me the ‘client’ was not happy with any of my work.
When it came to the next project I asked the ‘go between’ if I could be in touch with the one who will be using the design so that we could ensure a smoother process than the time before. It worked amazingly and All the work, posters, and so on (it was a lot of work) were absolutely perfect with much less heartache and aimless work on my part.

I strongly feel that if more than one person or party are going to have to be happy with your work, it is important to speak to both. My advice would be that you should have a meeting with both your client and his ‘partner’.


First make sure your paid 50% upfront!
If he paid in full last time and is coming back to you, then something wasnt working out back then. Hopefully it will work better this time.
Also can you talk to him about last time and find out what the issue was?

Do you know why he wasn’t happy last time? If he’s coming back, it doesn’t sound like he didn’t like your work…

yes BH he paid me 50% deposit last time :wink:
I’m going to try to meet with him to discuss

not sure- he didn’t like any of the logos, or business cards etc…?
I’m honestly confused why he came back! It didn’t seem like we were the right fit!

Thank you! Yes I’m going to try to figure out and maybe speak with both parties involved- it’s hard when there’s a lot of people and they all have different styles

Take a deposit and have a talk with them.
I would honestly ask straight out “It seemed to me like you weren’t pleased with the final result in the past so what do you think would be different this time around?”
Yes, I’m blunt sometimes… :sweat_smile:
But it does often get you answers…