Advice about who owns final project

I wonder if anyone can advise!
I’m creating a school resource that can definitely be sold to many schools.
Will the final project belong to my client, the teacher who is giving me the resources, or will I be able to sell it it on?
Who has the copyright rights? Client or designer?

@Rivkys I think brought this up earlier on the platform
Rivky can you help her?
If I didnt tag the right Rivky please let me know

Maybe ask your client

It’s the clients curriculum, resources…?
I would think it belongs to the client…
When you do branding for a company they own the final design - why is this different - but it is something that should go in the contract. I have specific times when I work on things for schools and I make up that I own the design rights - and if another school wants to buy we go 50/50…mostly for bulletins and things that are more generic. But for a curriculum that a teacher or curriculum developer spent years developing and now they are fine tuning and selling - it’s their brains behind the whole project…

It isn’t a curriculum - it’s definitely something generic that most schools can benefit from…

What are they providing you with? Would you be able to do it without them?

Technically yes - it’s information that I’m compiling together

If that’s the case you have to discuss with them before and put all terms into the contract

Generally, unless specified otherwise, final rights belong to the client as they are paying you for the work and in essence the rights. If it’s something you would want to sell that would have to be a discussion with them before hand and whatever is decided should be very clearly in writing so there is no confusion or potential issues down the line.

Are they paying you for the research you are doing and compiling the info?

I wish i can help, but it wasnt me :wink:

Hey so regarding the design you would have copyright rights but the information on the design is their copyright so you can do whatever you want with the design and they can do what they want with the information but either of you can’t do anything else with the other… so they can’t edit or sell the resource and neither can you really unless you come up with an agreement…