Just curious – what is a reasonable price for an advert? Particularly interested in the UK response.
it’s hard to say a 1 size fits all price - the rule is you can only charge according to how much value you are giving the client, so if you are designing an ad for a high earning business you can charge £100+ depending on experience and how busy you are, but if you are making an ad for a teenager making a Sunday playscheme then you can’t charge more than £30 probably because the ad doesnt hold as much value in returns as a big business…
That sounds pretty low pricing to me for a flyer, unless someone is just starting off. I would have suggested more like $180 - $250 but I don’t really know the UK pricing.
Flyer probably more in the $250 range and a proper ad even more $350-500
i wrote £100+ i meant like between £100 and £200… Yea UK pricing is really bad… I charge £150 for an ad lately and plenty people even with big businesses find it expensive… I literally had Sova foods (uk importer) tell me its too much but i’m not so desperate for work so i dont mind if people turn me away… I know the big agencies here only charge this so it’s impossible for a freelancer to charge more… the max i ever heard a uk designer charging was £325 i think and this is a senior designer that owned the biggest design agency in london and was doing a private job for someone… I know in comparison that in the US it can go way higher and a senior designer charges easily $1000 an ad…
@Dassy i don’t know if you live in london and don’t really want to scare you off but i literally had the owner of Linkit wish me luck in ever earning decent money here… people are really stingy and don’t appreciate design so much here… bh it is possible to find some normal clients but its not easy! i lit find it easier to work remotely for US clients…
oh wow! sounds like fun
To establish rates, we can survey design graduates to gather pricing information for different types of design work. Based on the data, we can determine average rates for beginners, experienced designers, and an overall average. (Maybe in the next designergy newsletter…)
Thanks Shevy! That’s a great idea! Will try to put together the standard projects in an excel sheet and give pricing. Thanks
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@malky-h Yes, I live in London, and oh do I know what you’re talking about! I can count on one hand the number of clients who don’t quibble about the price, including the ‘big boys’.
It also irritates me that here in the UK the designer is not respected at all – they view us as the medium to get their own ideas brought to life simply because we know how to use the programs and they don’t. I find that they are mostly not interested in hearing the artistic perspective and they don’t trust our input and ideas. I have had too many clients with awful, old-fashioned ideas who refuse to have new ideas brought to the table.
I started this topic to find out how far I can push with regards to raising my price, as I have been working for a good few years and feel that I am totally underselling myself. But it seems like I have pretty much already hit the ceiling. I just quoted £350 for an advert; let’s see if the client bites!
Ha yea @Dassy let me know how that go’s! as far as im concerned i cant imagine someone here agreeing to that🙃
About the ideas part i make it very clear to my clients that im the designer and its my job and bh i have a system now that is working most of the time… And if a client proves to be too annoying i ‘fire’ the client… bh im not too dependant on the income so i can afford to do that… dw im no richie i just dont work for the money im more of a sahm that needs to work for a few hours a day so i should get some stimulation… maybe when london decides to change il actually try to make money too😄
A weekly advertiser from London called me if I want to work for them.
The pay? 10 pound/ hour
lol yea exactly my point
its cheaper not to work rly coz including childcare its a waste of time
OMG! it sounds like you Londoners have it really tough making a living in this line of work!
And any unput of what people would charge for a flyer in israel?
What about a kollel budget price?
People don’t want to spend money!!!
I feel like I way undercharge, and clients are still shocked at my prices:(
Israeli prices are not very high either. US client definately pay more.
i have had similar experiences with uk clients but it does depend who, many have been really really loyal clients and have seen my value and agreed to me raising my hourly rate over the years since it is worth them using me who knows their brand etc rather than hiring someone new as i really give them good ‘bang for their buck (or pound anyway!)’
israeli clients is interesting as i feel this is a culture of people will spend money if they see the value even if they dont actually have the money to hand… they’ll find a way to pay if they trust you and you believe in your worth…
usa clients def have higher budgets for graphics/web and i’m prob looked down upon for being too cheap as i’ve priced myself more for uk/anglo-israeli markets!
i like what ppl have said about not being afraid for people to turn you down coz of price, esp when you’re busy. ugurus says ideally you should have 9 no’s for one yes!!
I took the Profitable Freelancer course by Michal Eisikowitz. It was amazing. Here are some points which I found very helpful
- the job has to be worth it for you (either it’s the $ or you love working with the person, or it’s a great portfolio pieces and there will be more work through that project)
- once you quote a price don’t lower it unless you reduce the scope. Standing up for what you charge will earn you respect, if not they will bargain for everything
- come across profesional and self confident. you are running a business.
Hatzlacha to us all!