Just some inspiration from frum ads:
These are great!!
Now lets see some of out motion graphics students ads!
That’s great inspo thanks
Here’s a similar style ad I did
Can’t wait to see what others have done
and looking forward to tomorrows tuesdays in 25 episode
Some more ad inspiration
Beautiful work Rochelle!!
Cheerfully done and clear message!
Heres another video ad:
thought this video was great inspo and wanted to share
not sure if this link works tho
if you want to check it out online its 24six music video
Yup it works
It’s fab!!!
great inspo on morphing, thought i had to share it
Brilliant @Relly!! Thanks for Sharing! would be a great exercise to try to copy a few scenes
Anyone willing to try?!
Anyone have good inspiration for animated ads that have real pictures and vectors mixed?
I hate that patchwork look…
Where can I look to find ideas?