Adobe Firefly issue

Sorry, your access has been denied
Adobe Firefly is not available in your region.

Has anyone got this message when trying to use firefly?
How do I sort this out?

Change your settings of country or language on your CC

@adinacahn To which country should I change it to?

sorry just saw this now
try changing it to US and see if that works

I can’t find where in my account I’m supposed to change that?

@Tali you can find all your subscription info on I think

or on your CC app

Yes I’ve looked but I don’t know where to change it in my CC account :see_no_evil:

Go to your name on the top corner and choose preferences

@adinacahn I’ve looked all over and in preferences and I can’t find it…
Do you mind to screenshot exactly where I can change it please?
Thanks so much!

Hmmmm I’m still getting such faces :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

LOL that’s a cute face
Where are you located? Maybe we can meet online and try figuring it out

Israel :slight_smile:

@adinacahn do you think you can help me with this please?

I would be happy to but I’m not available tonight can you email me tomorrow around 8:30 pm Israel time and we’ll figure out a time

I also couldnt find where to change my location in Creative Cloud when I wanted to change from out of the Us to US. When I chatted with support they told me that they would have to cancel my plan and start a new under the US so thats what I did. It didnt effect anything and they were very helpful. (but it could be that you have to use a US credit card)