Ad layout


I’m working on this ad and can’t figure out where to place everything. This is all the info I need to include, any ideas on how to fix up the layout? And I need a better way on how to format the prices…


Maybe have the tittle on top, then under that the ‘just in time…’ all centered.
Then the big pic.
Under those, but the rest of the info and see how it plays out.

This way is better?

You can make the word “new!” bigger. You can try putting the price under the bais hamikdash words and then move the other text (18") under the bais hamikdash model and get rid of the box its in.

No. Center the text and the image :slight_smile:

Do you need to have the hand in it?

I don’t like how the word new looks. Should I put it into a star or is that cheapy?

I like this one most - I would move Bais Hamikdash words more right even and make them pop somewhat more.

Instead of a star, try a circle sticker. Or write new all around the outside of a circle


How can I make the words bais hamikdash pop more?

Nice! I like that sticker! Maybe move the model a tad more left, and for words, try making it bigger and fitting them together more like a puzzle.

Does this make sense?

Would want to see it with full ad

Very nice!! What font did you here?

Aristelle sans, and Galano classic

Yeah, I like it, I would make it even bigger, and the beis hamikdash model I would move over and make it somewhat bigger, maybe the top can fit in nicely on the left side in the empty area? I wouldn’t mind it even if some of the edge gets cut off the page.
I don’t like how the h is coming down, but I do like the extended K.
Dunno, I don’t feel like the hand is necessary.

How’s this

Thanks so much all of you for your help! I really appreciate it!

It looks great!
I hope the client loves it!