Hi Everyone,
I am debating taking a course in 3D.
I was wondering everyone’s opinion whether it would make me more marketable? I have 6+ years of experience in graphics. I was never turned away from a position for not being qualified.
Do you think listing experience in 3D design would make me worth more money or help me find a better job?
Thank you for your time!
It’s a very useful thing to know for sure. You can do more with your designs if you know how to make them 3D…
I can’t tell you if you would get a better job or more money (most designers do not charge more for a 3D advert over a regular advert)… but it is a lot of fun to learn and there are many designs you can’t really achieve without using 3D.
maybe see it as if you find it something really interesting and something you want to be able to use then do it as your own professional development and by you filling up your cup and getting that geshmack, it could give you confidence to charge more…(but really you can anyway charge more each year you are in the industry…)
if you want to go into it as a specialty/niche and charge premium rates for it then you could def. earn back what you pay for the course.
i wouldn’t have thought it’s an essential skill to have though since there are enough 3d stock images you can buy out there…there are graphic designers who want to learn photography and use it in their designs…i think it’s an extra and it’s adding a whole new skillset that is not essential to be a graphic designer but it is def. an asset…
I would have thought that people who create a custom 3D image for an ad SHOULD charge more for it the same way you would for custom illustrations or if you had to hire someone for custom photography…but if that’s not the done thing, that’s a shame in my opinion.
This would be a great q for the person running the course - ask them if they charge more for 3D designs…
Sorry, not sure what is meant when saying 3D. But if it is simply learning Adobe dimension then the 3D assets are not created, you could find them on different websites. The designer manipulates and positions it…It does not take longer and does not require more effort than a regular advert. It could be that some designers charge more but I am almost sure that it is not common. The course directer Nichy Silber was asked about this and she does not charge more…
I really agree though that it is an asset.
Thanks everyone for your help!
Guess now I’ll have to make the decision as to what I will do.
In Motion Graphics 3D is an advantage and you can charge much more-- that’s why we include the Cinema 4D Lite course-- for print, like mentioned by those above, what will you be offering that you can not buy for your client and will be an asset to them
@adinacahn thank you!