Word of the Week 16

Breakfast at a Bris:)

Yum! Those waffles looks delicious!

Anyone getting hungry?

haha maskim it looks like a bris!

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Ha! Ha! Israeli bris will be more like this:

OMG @schlomithsassoon!! That is too funny!!! (and also TOOOO true!!!)
how come that arrangement of smoked salmon at 8:30 in the morning looks so much more appetizing!?!

This is perfect!! The smoked salmon looks so real

@chanamiriam Your waffles came out amazing! Some how mine were blown up!! yum!

You wrote “shnitzel” in your prompt???

@adinacahn :rofl: :upside_down_face: :grin:

@DSG looks perfect!! and unfortunately looks like my breakfast :slight_smile: That’s why I wanted everyone to post more well-rounded breakfasts so when I have the inspiration I can come eat here… umm with my coffee :slight_smile:

OMG! Is this an AI creation?

@eBeB3573 yes. shnitzel and rice on plastic plate

the first one israeli breakfast and bris did not work. wonder why… !?

amazing that firefly understands yiddish :grinning:

Cause its israeli bris breakfast is a total oxymoron :slight_smile:

Now that is the way to go! Israeli all the way. Plastic plate and all.
Why are there random leaves on the side? Do you eat those? Is that an Americani thing?

This is what my breakfast looks like.
Nothing like a good start to your day :wink:

I’m starting to wish I had an AI robot chef in my home


I find that firefly is doing a better job at this breakfast prompt than midjourney

just realized your last prompt was firefly and I was pretty impressed! Go Adobe :slight_smile: