Unclear Logo

I created a logo for someone and he uploaded it onto his website in very small. For some reason it is looking pixelated. I gave it to him in a pretty high resolution should i save it as a smaller file? is that the issue?

Its probably rasterized. If you give it to him in vector shouldnt be an issue

the logo is super clear when i open it on my computer. i should give it to him as a vector? how would I do that?

yes. in general if you created it in photoshop its probably raster unless its a smart object or you used the vector shape tool which probably isnt the case here…
i dont know what your logo looks like , but if its simple enough then i would recreate it in illustrator and save it as a pdf, png, jpeg or however the client needs it- and that should solve your problem:)

if you have some kind of raster image in your logo, then you can use the image trace tool to turn it into vector. illustrator has some really cool new image trace options that do a great job.

you should give him a 72 dpi size logo as a png or svg file and size it to how big he wants it to for the website (or a bit bigger but not soooo huge, like no bigger than say 600px high (even 300px high or less) unless he’s using it somewhere else apart from the menu) for using for web. when the website shrinks a huge image it can make it pixely…

@malkysalzer Thanks i didnt quite understand what you meant before by sending a vector. I thought you meant i should give him an open file vector and wasn’t sure how he would be able to use that. I made it in illustrator and I think the issue is like @rivkah was saying with the size. thanks!