I’m making this alert for parents abour stranger danger.
Would love some feedback
I know maybe the text should be more consistent (like either talking to parents or the kids… not both, but this is what I got and not sure how to change it…)
not sure i need the border…i just like borders
Maybe you can split the reminders into two lists. Not sure about the exact wording but something like “children, remember to…” and then have a list of things directed towards them. Then do the same for the parents, “parents, remember to…”, etc.
Nice. I would not do a thin outline on the title (3 big words). either solid white or thicker. it doesn’t stand out enough
thank you so much!
just sent this to him- will let you know what he says (pray that this can be final )
I like the border. I would have recommended making the 2 subtitles (parents/children remember to) bolder or stand out more in some way. Maybe put those titles in yellow?
that’s a really good idea!
He hasn’t gotten back to me yet so when he does maybe Ill change that… (just not gonna do anything til I hear back)