Reducing gif file size in indesign

I’m creating very basic animated GIF files in indesign- creating html file and converting to gif using in5 extension. The site where it’s being uploaded onto tells me the file size cant be more than a MB but the files I’m making are a lot bigger than that. I tried using a free converting tool online but the results was a very awful looking image. Anyone with experience or ideas that can help?

what about importing to psd and playing around with the gif settings there when you export it?

sounds good
how do i import to psd?
i should import the gif file? will it keep the animation or will i have to redo those parts?

photoshop will open a gif file

yes but it brings it in flat like a jpg not with animations
can it preserve the animations or i should redo it in photoshop?

it should bring in the animation

hmmm… ok i’ll have to see
seems complicated
psd opens it up divided into lots of layers but doesn’t seem to play animation and seems to export totally flat… not sure…
thanks for your help!!

you can email me the gif or upload it here and I can try to take a look at it