Hi everyone!
I am working on a logo for a real estate agent
let me know your thoughts
Thanks in advance!!
wow!! really nice!
I really love the second one in the left column.
Are these concepts done or you’re going to play around with the names under the graphic mark? I think (at least with the one I like) that it needs more proximity. Maybe also put Leah on one line and then Friedman on the next line. I feel like this type of logo should be “tight” basically, what I am saying is make the name like a box shape under the nice graphic you have. (so you’ll probably have to make Friedman smaller than Leah to make it fit to a “box”
I hope you chap what I am saying…
Good Luck!
ok thanks!
Yes I am still going to play around
let me try that and will show you it in a few
Thanks Breindy!!
I also like the bottom left corner best.
Maybe try that one in the font of the one right on top of it, and leave the ext in black with the icon in the color. I don’t think its an issue that both words are on one line, although you could move the icon down a drop.
keep us posted!
Nice! I also like the L & F forming rooftops, and agree the text can use some more work. You can match it to the icon with thick and thins (like the other font used all the way to the right) I happen to love the look and colors of the ones all the way to the right, but not sure if it looks like a real estate business
Ahuva - sort of what I had in mind but even tighter to be like the “house” of the roof… maybe make the roof the same width as the text and then scale it down to size…
I also love the colors and the design of the last ones but they look more for an accountant or something sophisticated… You can however take those colors and use in this logo…
How about this?
So you think I shouldn’t use those colors on the last logo?
Im sending her 3 logo options so I need to perfect all of them!!
oh, I didn’t realize you were sending her all three…
this one that you worked on looks great now…
the middle column (from the original post) I like best #2 but you also need to play around with the text…
and the last column, I like #1 best
@Breindy-S you are so helpful!
I really appreciate it!!!
Does this real estate agent only do residential?
Yes I think so
Ok then your good
Love them!!
which middle one is better?
I think I like the second option from the middle ones
Should I bother showing booths option a and b or if I said 3 options I should just stick to 3 even though they are similar?
It doesn’t hurt to show…
just label it 1, 2a, 2b, and 3
Thanks so much everyone!!!
Ill let you know what she chooses!!