Price for digitalAd

Hi! How much would you say to charge for a digital ad/flyer?

You mean a social media post (WhatsApp or Instagram)? I might be totally off but I recently asked for the pricing range on that, and was told $400. I’d love to hear others opinions though

Yeh just an ad for wats app status or wats app chats etc. something to send around but not printed

I wouldnt charge more than a print flyer-why would the price be different?

I feel like $400 is a bit too much…
I think $150 - $300 is enough to charge

I think part of the reason she told me to charge $400 was because print ads are viewed by a smaller amount of people than social media ads and part of the way people price is by trying to figure out the value that it will bring to the client. I thought it was a bit high also.

depends if its animated or just static

What do you think is a fair range for static ads?

I think $400 for static ad sounds like alot