for a photographer who is now starting out. She really wants people to hear about her and is happy to give amazing introductory offers, this is the wording she gave me, though said that can change the offer to something else. I think the wording needs a lot of working on, can anyone help me with that. any critique on font and design welcome. Thank you so much all of you at jdf. your advice is so helpful.
it’s a very cute photo
i think you’ve done the hierarchy and placement of text really well.
i personally don’t like % off offers coz i feel you can always make up the price to double then call it 50%. i’d prefer a $ discount or a free printed something with every 1 hour photo shoot for the first 20 sign ups…
Also i only knew it’s called ‘EG photography’ b/c of the email address… the g in logo looked like a hebrew ‘pei’ to me but i dont know if it matters so much but i guess if this is a new brand she’s trying to get in, the name should probably be clearer…
presume it’s going in a local advertiser so you dont need to say where she works…
Thank you
how would you compare this one to the first try, both text and design… which one is worth working on and perfecting.
Very nice job!
I like the photo and layout of the second one better.
I would try to have the rectangle fade more gradually like you have it in the first one.
Also, for the red text, maybe you can try a less default looking font, or maybe change the case for more visual diversity.
I also like the second better and agree about fading the box better
Nice job!
I also like the second better - I feel like the picture is more vibrant (also the glasses in the first picture had a little glare in it so this picture is better)
agree with the comments above made about the white box…
thank you everyone. did some changes. does it look better? Also what do you think of the third option?
I like the third option because the girl is looking right at you which grabs your attention more.
I am not sure about the text though… Maybe try the third with the white box that you did in the second?
The second one has a stronger photo, though I would would work on varying the text- it looks almost like a paragraph. Very nice job otherwise