Online images

Is it illegal to take a screenshot of a well known logo to use for a project? What about online images of products being sold online? I was asked to download some images for someone and some of them are a little specific, and I can’t find that kind of thing on any image sites. One example of this was an elderly jew with a cane.


i think it depends how you will use that logo e.g. are you using it as a case study and giving them full credit for it being their logo? if so i’d dont see an issue with it. if it’s to use the logo graphics as part of your own project somehow that’d be more of an issue.

products online is a good q… many companies spend a lot of money to take the photos of their products and they don’t want people just taking them. i think again it’s how they will be used… best is if your client can take their own photos or be in touch with the suppliers directly for the images.

and re photos that are too specific, i think people would use a non-jew who could pass as a jew for that elderly man e.g. with a flat cap… or do the dreaded, photoshop a kippa on trick…
did you try the jewish stock photo sites?

you cant just take from google images unless it’s under the creative commons license/for commercial use. you can try contacting copyright owners of images too…
maybe they can do a photo shoot if they need such specific things??


She is using it as a visual aid for teaching. She will hold it up for a second or 2… What do you think?

It’s not meant to be a big job, so I don’t want to use Photoshop or anything.