this logo is for a copywriter
I like the first one! Can you bring in one more color? Like, change the darker green color to something more noticeable maybe.
From these, I also like the first one the best, but find there is nothing so major about - I think because the logo doesn’t have good lock fit…
Can you play with the words a little more? I’m attaching a pic of a rough sketch I drew (sorry so messy…) basically, looking at the pic, make the words Lime and Light bold. Make the L of the word Light bigger so it can extend to the left of the word Lime - the word copy shouldn’t be as bold as LimeLight… the shaded triangle should be your lime green triangle shape…
Hope this is clear enough…
You totally don’t have to change it to look like this, but figured why not give you another version…
Good Luck!
Send updates on it…
Thank you so much @Breindy-S . It’s a nice idea. She did not want it to be on two lines. I have been playing around with it SO much. Going crazy… - you rather not see my hand and AI scribbles and sketches
This is my last version. I changed the color. Not sure yet if to add the LCL icon or not.
@zippy Any chance i could get your take on this?
Just wondering, is there something significant about the triangle?
If yes, a thought is to maybe make another one and reflect it on top so that it completes a rectangle (and holds the LCL too). Worth a try. It may hold the elements together better.
Attached a rough sketch.
Processing: 20211028_120318.jpg…
And you could play around with making the second rectangle a diff color/ shade.
the triangle is the limelight. is that not visible?
i can’t see your attachment.
Yes, I think it’s immediately recognizable that the triangle is the limelight.
I liked the word copy in lowercase, like the first version. Maybe make just C capital and u can remove the space before the word?
I also like the colored dot for the i, maybe do it for both i’s and for the o of copy (don’t use a black circle at all, only a colored one). And you can make those 3 circles a contrasting color to the lime-yellow…
Don’t know if these ideas are worth a try
Lots of luck!!!
Thank you @Chani_Wolpin. The reason i changed COPY to all caps because i want to focus on the nature of the business.
I’ll try two green dots on top of the i’s. I originally put one to represent the light part.
Does that make sense or not???
I am going crazy with this logo, too many versions and things i tried…
Took me a few mins to figure that the triangle was a lime light
I think the triangle has to be coming out of the o and not go further than that… just make the triangle a bit smaller.
Agree about having both i’s dotted with the larger colored circle to keep it consistent
Can you do the word copy underneath LimeLight? (centered btwn the beginning of the word and the g, smaller and more kerning)
As of now the LCL icon doesn’t have it’s place and I don’t think the 2 elements are necessary. I do like it though, so if you would do it bigger and centered over the company name with LimeLight in green to correspond to the green L’s in the icon and copy black.
Good luck!
It’s so nice!! Thanks for sharing!
btw, even though you took away the triangle “limelight” I feel like the LCL looks somewhat also like a limelight - The two L’s make a square and the C is in the limelight - not sure if that was what you were trying to show but that is what I see…
Thank you.
Actually not but I am glad it made its in there anyhow!